It finally started snowing properly here a couple days ago. The kind where the snow actually sticks to the ground. It's really nice to see the snow falling and everything. But I hate how dirty it becomes soon after haha. All the roads get salted down and the crap becomes super nasty!I rode to my test last night and even with a fender on, my bag got pretty nasty. And the front part of my jacket which is white, gets filled with crap as well. GRR.

Anyways.. Ranting aside. I actually do like snow. And here's a semi-nicer shot of the snow :D (not really, it's just my bike with snow in the background haha!)
Umm.. And a shot of these trees that were in the building of my test. I really really like this shot! :D
I'm gonna go try to get back to sleep now. Tried to fall asleep early today but woke up a couple hours into my sleep and couldn't get back into it :( Going to be riding with Finn and Shea and whoever else that's riding today!!!!! Super excited!!