Riding in Vancouver

May 14, 2011 Sungwoo 0 Comments

I've been back in Vancouver for the past two weeks and surprisingly, rode quite a bit more than expected.  I met up with some of the "tricksters" here in Vancouver and spent a good day riding around random spots in Vancouver.  The style of tricks were totally different from what I was used to in Toronto, it was almost as if I time traveled back a couple years: everyone was riding track bikes and doing keos, trackstand variations, and barspins.  I haven't done/seen those tricks in quite some time so it was refreshing to watch and take part, or try to.. haha.

I also met with Ryan Narita a few times to film a quick "Vancouver" edit.  Half the time we just sat around and chilled..  Like, the first day we met, we averaged roughly 1 clip per hour for the first 5-6 hours haha..  The second day we met, I was being an idiot just going to a different spot and flipped over my bike.  My hand and foot were pretty painful so we ended up just riding around and got 1 clip the entire day.. haha.  The third day was a bit better but I had to cut it short due to previous plans..

I'm headed back to Toronto tomorrow and can't wait to ride with the usual homies again!  I also can't wait for proper weather..  It's mid may and I'm still wearing pants and jackets around.  What's with that?!  It makes NO sense!  Also.. Vancouver drivers are actually really bad.

All these photos are taken by Ryan on our first sesh.  I can't wait to see the edit that he puts together!

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