Retirement: rear wheel

September 21, 2010 Sungwoo 3 Comments

I've been running a pretty killer wheelset for quite a few months now, and it saddens me (and my wallet) to finally see it retire.  But I guess you can't expect things to last forever if you're abusing it and all that jazz.

I've been running a set of Alex Supra D rims laced to Formula hubs since mid April.  Designed for downhill riding, I decided I could depend on them.  And since then, this wheel has outlasted two frames.

When Hazen came up from London, Ontario to ride with us last week/end,  I must have retensioned my wheel over and over again at least 15 times within two days of riding.  Then a bunch of spokes decided to rip apart and now the wheel is just stupid and not rideable.

I've been VERY happy with this rim, but it's just time to move on, hopefully I'll get something laced up this week and be back on my bike again!

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  1. hopefully you get hooked up with some wheel to test!

  2. ahh I really wish, but that doesn't seem very likely right now!
